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Educational Visits And School Activities Requiring Funding

You will be asked to fill in a form that gives permission for the staff to take the children out of school for educational visits. To help support the curriculum in school, the Governing Body wishes to give all children the opportunity to take part in additional activities such as a day trip, an activity in school or visiting performers.

Our Charging and Remissions policy can be found by clicking on the link below. In practice this means that whenever we arrange  activities that are not provided by Milton Keynes Council, we ask parents to make a voluntary contribution. There is no obligation for parents to contribute, and no child will be prevented from taking part in a particular activity. However, trips will not go ahead if sufficient contributions are not received. Each time a visit is proposed you will be notified of details and the suggested contribution.


If trips are expected back after school hours and there is a significant delay, a message will be published on the school website.
